Repeat customers are the best. I’ve been delighted to photograph some folks several times over the years. One particular family has added a child with each session. This year, I had the good fortune to photograph them on an absolutely perfect Fall day.
Good Neighbors

When I was pregnant with my son I went into panic-nesting mode and bought a house in Saint Paul. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. That house gave me 12 years of stress but I don’t regret my choice. It also gave us plenty of joy. Parts of that city are quirky. […]
Finding Family

My Dad has always been a bit of a loner. He was adopted into a small family with one non-biological sibling. They were not close. His brother and adopted parents died decades ago. So he became an orphan, again. When I was a teenager, we lost my brother to leukemia. We were very close. It […]
The Great Reset

Sometimes a course correction is needed. I’ve gotten better at identifying these situations more quickly and coming up with solutions. Recently, I wrote about this on my old school blog. Call it the Great Resignation or Reshuffle or what have you. But I needed a career reset. This week I started a new job. I […]
Have Fun Storming the Castle

Last Sunday we experienced a mid-winter heatwave with high temps of nearly 50 degrees. Today, just a few days later, we were back down to -3. Minnesota is all about those wild swings. But during the brief warmup, I was able to drag my young adult out to see the Ice Castles in New Brighton. […]
Letting the Days Go By

In the past, I’ve written about how challenging Minnesotan winters can be. And that was without the added obstacle of a pandemic, when it was still safe to gather indoors with friends and family. Now that we’re into our third pandemic winter, I know I took past indoor winter hangouts for granted. Or just anti-social […]
Welcome to the Heat Dome

My son and I are a blend of homebodies / travelers. We enjoy travel. The pandemic has put a hold on that, of course. After gratefully receiving our vaccinations, our top priority was visiting family in the Pacific Northwest. Historically, Seattle had only reached 100 degrees Fahrenheit three times before. Remarkably, in one heatwave, highs […]
House of Balls

Under normal circumstances, Spring in Minnesota is a time where many of us begin to emerge from our homes where we’ve hunkered down during cold, dark winters. That’s obviously only been exacerbated because of the pandemic. Now that I’m vaccinated, I made it to an outdoor live music event / social gathering. The weather was […]
Come Wind, Come Weather

Last week I agreed to take some headshots for a friend. Outdoors, of course. A surprise Smarch blizzard led us to reschedule our original date. We met up last Saturday instead. All of the snow melted but the winds were WILD. At times it was difficult to communicate with the 40mph winds whipping by. Rather […]
Swan Dive

Walking has been my main form of exercise for many years now, but especially during the pandemic. Early last week I was looking ahead to the impending polar arctic vortex. While the weather was still mild, I forced myself outside. In the last few weeks, I’ve been making more of an effort to take my […]