My last post expressed concern over the Soap Factory’s fate (a local, beloved arts institution). Apparently I wasn’t the only one worried.
Due to the outpouring of support and concern for the Soap Factory during the last few weeks, the board has decided to host a town hall meeting, where community members can hear directly from us, and ask questions.
I am hoping to make it to the meeting but 2019 has already been action-packed. Soon I’ll be teaching part-time at MCTC’s Continuing Ed program. If you’ve ever wanted to learn the basics about HTML & CSS sign up for my classes! Also coming up – and it’s going to be down to the wire on for me – the next Strange Girls group art show. The theme is Liminal.
Come join us for our annual Conspiracy of Strange Girls art show featuring artworks about change, new beginnings, transitions, and thresholds. We will be unveiling the work with an opening reception on Saturday, January 19th and the work will be on display until January 27th.
Opening Reception: January 19th, 6 PM to 10 PM.
Gallery Hours: Wednesday to Friday: 6 PM to 9 PM.
Saturday and Sunday: Noon to 5 PM.
Beyond that I expect the new year will bring more of the same, a bit of shifting here and there, some anticipated experiences and a few that will completely blindside me, to be sure. Currently feeling ready for all of it.