Last week I agreed to take some headshots for a friend. Outdoors, of course. A surprise Smarch blizzard led us to reschedule our original date. We met up last Saturday instead. All of the snow melted but the winds were WILD. At times it was difficult to communicate with the 40mph winds whipping by. Rather […]
Walker Art Center
Northward Equinox

Springing Ahead The Walker Art Center’s Sculpture Garden has long been one of my favorite places in Minneapolis (along with the Walker itself). I clearly remember my first visit, on a field trip with my suburban (but nearly rural) school. It just felt magical. Like a creative oasis. I started visiting on my own as […]
I Want Discipline

Are you listening, more or less? Last week I had the pleasure of being in the presence of the legendary Genesis P-Orridge not once, but twice. Genesis (born Neil Andrew Megson) is known for pioneering industrial music with Throbbing Gristle, and later for performing with Psychic TV and Thee Majesty. In 1993 Genesis married Lady […]